Holistic health innovation for FrieslandCampina

We looked at how FrieslandCampina could contribute towards a truly healthier Netherlands.

FrieslandCampina recently launched its new purpose, “We nourish sustainable growth for a healthier Netherlands”. This sparked the question: what is health and what role can we play? We set out to research holistic health and preventative medicine, including the role of (plant-based) nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress. Finally, we looked at how FrieslandCampina could contribute towards a truly healthier Netherlands.


We took FrieslandCampina on a holistic health journey:
– Starting with exploration by hosting a “parallel perspectives” day, where we visited inspiring startups and companies in the holistic health space;
– Next we conducted research to create opportunity platforms where we summarised the trends and opportunities in this space;
– Then we conducted two co-creation sessions (on physical and mental health) with health experts;
– Later, we created product briefs with a sketch of these product innovations;
– Finally, we conducted consumer validation sessions on these domains and products.


We’re proud to have concluded this project with a clear vision of holistic health in the Netherlands. We’ve created concrete innovation pillars, product concepts and a roadmap for one of the leading brands at FrieslandCampina. They are now using this roadmap as the cornerstone for holistic health, and aim to start launching the first products by 2024.


LET’s collaborate to create an amazing story together.

Mr. Treublaan 7
1097 DP, Amsterdam, NL
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Mr. Treublaan 7
1097 DP, Amsterdam, NL
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